Have you ever thought of being a foster parent to a cat(s) or kitten(s) in need?? Here's some excellent info to get you thinking and hopefully on the road to helping your local rescue and some beautiful fur babies in need of your love!
* Personal caveat: If you're fostering cats from a shelter or rescue, etc, be sure that they are the ones who find homes for your new temporary family members, unless there is a prearranged agreement between you about adopting out the kitties :)
Thanks for wanting to help!!
Fostering 101... HERE!
This is a great resource, thank you so much! I recently started fostering kittens and unfortunately they had fleas. For anyone else dealing with fleas on their foster kittens, this was a great resource for resolving it: https://allaboutfleas.com/the-best-flea-shampoo-for-kittens-under-12-weeks/